The Hip in Sports Performance
The Hip in Sports Performance
The Hip in Sports Performance: Unlocking Potential and Preventing Injuries
In the captivating realm of athletic performance, hip mobility stands out as a key player, influencing both performance development and injury prevention. While there is still much to explore, the practical wisdom leans towards prevention, where costs are often lower, and benefits potentially higher. Here, we delve into the significance of incorporating hip-focused approaches into your training regimen.
Exploring the Landscape of Hip and Groin Injuries
Hip and groin injuries have taken center stage in the athletic arena, thanks to advancements in diagnosis and clinical attention. The anatomical complexity behind these injuries, encompassing not just bones but also extra-articular, intra-articuar, and neural structures, poses challenges in drawing precise conclusions. However, as our diagnostic and understanding capabilities improve, we face a surge in the incidence of these injuries, hinting at potential historical underdiagnosis and current overdiagnosis.
We dive into the challenges of researching and comprehensively managing these injuries, suggesting syndrome-based recommendations to unravel their complexity. Prevention emerges as the hero in this narrative, particularly in elite sports, acknowledging the limitations and biases in current strategies.
Understanding the complexity of interactive systems in athlete care, where the hip appears to be the epicenter of various injuries, becomes imperative. Identifying common sports demands and clinical issues, with a focus on hip and groin injuries, presents a crucial path to enhance athletes‘ well-being, even when these injuries may not receive the attention they deserve.
Short SM, MacDonald CW, Strack D. Hip and Groin Injury Prevention in Elite Athletes and Team Sport – Current Challenges and Opportunities. Int J Sports Phys Ther. 2021 Feb 1;16(1):270-281. doi: 10.26603/001c.18705. PMID: 33604155; PMCID: PMC7872466.
Key Elements to Include in Your Training:
Range of Motion
Hip mobility, specifically internal and external rotation, is linked to Athletic Pubalgia (HAGI). A total rotation measurement below 85 degrees is considered a risk factor. However, interventions based on Range of Motion (ROM) often overlook natural variations in pelvic morphology. While preventative interventions based on ROM may be limited, we recommend incorporating such exercises into your training.
Hip and trunk strength correlates with hip and groin pain. Low hip adduction-abduction strength and high flexion-extension of the hip and trunk are risk factors. Standardized strength assessments may not accurately reflect variables related to sport-specific tasks, complicating result interpretation. However, well-planned strength training is renowned as a preventive measure, making it essential to pay attention to these workouts.
Optimizing Load Monitoring and Objective Outcomes: Navigating Challenges Clearly
Despite facing various practical challenges, consistent monitoring of load and the implementation of objective measures stand as essential practices. They play a pivotal role in continuously evaluating performance and the effectiveness of practices. Despite existing research, the debate persists regarding the effectiveness of detecting sports injury risk factors. Limitations in evidence cast uncertainty on the clinical applicability of results and their extrapolation across different sports and genders. Embracing general principles and considering trainable constructs emerge as key elements for success. However, it is crucial to recognize that the application and outcomes of these programs have been widely accepted as common practice.
Check out these exercises to include in your workouts.
Include Hip Training in Your Routines!
Author: Maria Luciana Perez Armendariz
Short SM, MacDonald CW, Strack D. Hip and Groin Injury Prevention in Elite Athletes and Team Sport – Current Challenges and Opportunities. Int J Sports Phys Ther. 2021 Feb 1;16(1):270-281. doi: 10.26603/001c.18705. PMID: 33604155; PMCID: PMC7872466.
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