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How do I get faster?

Most of our athletes asked this question, that is why, we have decided to take a time to answer it to you.

First of all, we need to understand what is speed. Speed is defined as: "The ability to move the body in one intended direction as fast as possible".

You need the right genetics to be the fastest player on the field, regardless of that you can get faster. Become the fastest version of yourself.

1. Improve your technique: proper running or skating form canhelp move efficiently and with less effort, allowing you to movefaster. Practice good form by keeping your head up, arms relaxed, taking quick light steps.

2. Incorporate speed drills: Include drills like sprints, agilityexercises and plyometrics into your training routine, these can help to increaseyour explosive power and overallspeed.

You can see this easy example of working on plyometrics (for every level):

3. Focus on strength training: Stronger muscles can generate moreforce and speed. Incorporate strength training exercises, such as squats, lunges, and deadlifts, into your routine.

Here you can see how we make our athletes stronger and with more power:

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